Remote derive

Like serde, rkyv also supports remote derive. This allows you to easily generate wrapper types to serialize types from other crates which don't provide rkyv support. Remote derive uses a local definition of the type to serialize, and generates a wrapper type you can use to serialize that type.

Remote derive supports getters, wrapper types, and deserialization back to the original type by providing a From impl. This example is from rkyv/examples/

fn main() {
// Let's create a local type that will serve as `with`-wrapper for `Foo`.
// Fields must have the same name and type but it's not required to define all
// fields.
#[derive(Archive, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[rkyv(remote = remote::Foo)] // <-
#[rkyv(archived = ArchivedFoo)]
// ^ not necessary but we might as well replace the default name
// `ArchivedFooDef` with `ArchivedFoo`.
struct FooDef {
    // The field's type implements `Archive` and we don't want to apply any
    // conversion for the archived type so we don't need to specify
    // `#[rkyv(with = ..)]`.
    ch: char,
    // The field is private in the remote type so we need to specify a getter
    // to access it. Also, its type doesn't implement `Archive` so we need
    // to specify a `with`-wrapper too.
    #[rkyv(getter = remote::Foo::bar, with = BarDef)]
    bar: remote::Bar<i32>,
    // The remote `bytes` field is public but we can still customize our local
    // field when using a getter.
    #[rkyv(getter = get_first_byte)]
    first_byte: u8,

fn get_first_byte(foo: &remote::Foo) -> u8 {

// Deriving `Deserialize` with `remote = ..` requires a `From` implementation.
impl From<FooDef> for remote::Foo {
    fn from(value: FooDef) -> Self {
        remote::Foo::new(, [value.first_byte, 2, 3, 4], 567,