
Similarly to Serialize, Deserialize parameterizes over a deserializer, and converts a type from its archived form back to its original one. Unlike serialization, deserialization occurs in a single step and doesn't have an equivalent of a resolver.

Deserialize also parameterizes over the type that is being deserialized into. This allows the same archived type to deserialize into multiple different unarchived types depending on what's being asked for. This helps enable lots of very powerful abstractions, but might require you to use a turbofish or annotate types when deserializing.

This provides a more or less traditional deserialization with the added benefit of being sped up by having very compiler-friendly representations. It also incurs both the memory and performance penalties of traditional deserialization, so make sure that it's what you need before you use it. Deserialization is not required to access archived data as long as you can do so through the archived versions.

Even the highest-performance serialization frameworks will hit a deserialization speed limit because of the amount of memory allocation that needs to be performed.

A good use for Deserialize is deserializing small portions of archives. You can easily traverse the archived data to locate some subobject, then deserialize just that piece instead of the archive as a whole. This granular approach provides the benefits of both zero-copy deserialization as well as traditional deserialization.


Deserializers, like serializers, provide capabilities to objects during deserialization. Most types don't need to bound their deserializers, but some like Rc require special traits in order to deserialize properly.

The Pooling trait controls how pointers which were serialized shared are deserialized. Much like Sharing, Pooling holds some mutable state on the deserializer to allow shared pointers to the same data to coordinate with each other. Using the Pool implementation pools these deserialized shared pointers together, whereas Unpool clones them for each instance of the shared pointer.